NCTD – Nordisk Center for Teaterdokumentation

Invitation to NCTD meeting in Stockholm 2025, June 2-3 .

The meeting program is developing and the Music and Theatre Library of Sweden and the Swedish Museum of Performing Arts are happy to share our plans for the meeting: there will be good opportunities for exchange of experience, participation in planning for future network activities, opportunity for study visits and viewing of two exciting exhibitions. 

Draft program NCTD 2025.pdf 

Don't miss any upcoming information about the meeting! Preregister now, without obligation, to lena.gustafsson[at] By March, at the latest, we will send you the final program with more information and registration to the meeting. 

Med vänliga hälsningar/With kind regards, 

Musik- och teaterbiblioteket/The Music and Theatre Library of Sweden 
Lena Gustafsson, Rikard Larsson-Eng, Virve Polsa, Kajsa Sandström 

Scenkonstmuseet/The Swedish Museum of Performing Arts 
Malin Karlsson 

Statutes of NCTD

§1 The organization 

The Nordic Center for Theatre Documentation (NCTD) is a voluntary cooperative association open to everyone in the Nordic region who is active in archives, libraries, museums or other organizations within all performing arts, and to individuals with an interest in the association's field of activity. 

§2 Purpose 

NCTD aims to promote documentation and research of the performing arts, through open cooperation between the specialized institutions, their staff and active theater institutions, as well as all stakeholders in both the research world and the general public. Likewise, to promote and facilitate networking and information exchange between the different participating countries. 

§3 Membership 

Anyone who so wishes is welcome to NCTD's meetings. Each person is responsible for their own expenses. 
No annual fee is required for membership, but reasonable fees to cover any costs may be charged at the meetings. 

§4 Meetings 

The following agenda shall be followed at meetings: 
• Election of chairman 
• Election of minutes-taker 
• Report of any activities since last meeting 
• Report on the basic fund 
• Auditor's statement 
• Approval of the accounts 
• Election of coordinator until the next meeting 
• Election of auditor 
• Decision on signatory until the next meeting 
• Other matters 
The meeting has a quorum when representatives from at least 3 different countries are present 

NCTD has a basic fund based on the former NCTD's membership fees. The accounting period for this fund runs from the last inter-Nordic meeting to the next meeting, but no longer than 3 years. The meeting decides on any payments according to the wishes of the members. 

Minutes of meetings 

Mötesanteckningar NCTD, Helsingfors 2023 
Mötesanteckningar NCTD, Reykjavik 2019 
Mötesanteckningar NCTD, Stockholm 2017 
Mötesanteckningar NCTD, Oslo 2015 
Mötesanteckningar NCTD, Köpenhamn 2014 
Mötesanteckningar NCTD, Reykjavik 2013 

Performing Arts Collections in the Nordic Countries

An overview of Performing Arts collections in the Nordic countries. Order the printed English version here.

Download a free version in Swedish here:  

Teatersamlingar i Norden 2021

